Feb 26, 2020
Daryl Lang is far from your ordinary runner: not because she is visually impaired (which is just a sideline to her story) but for many other reasons. She decided her first half marathon needed to include a solo bus trip across half of the United States. She books her next race before she has completed the one she is...
Feb 8, 2020
One of the most significant voices of our time in Canadian women's running, Lanni Marchant is pouring her heart into making the comeback of a lifetime in 2020. Hear her talk about her journey to Lanni 2.0 and why the race to the Tokyo Olympics is so darn exciting.
Feb 4, 2020
Elite road runner and Registered Dietician Rachel Hannah dives deep into her experiences with RED-S and her current work with athletes of all levels to help them maximize their own performances and outcomes.